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goodscare GmbH has recently launched an additional product to the ATACK CONTROL range. We would like to welcome ATACK CONTROL UV-PROTECTION WASH to the family of products designed to be gentle on your skin.

ATACK CONTROL UV-PROTECTION WASH is a hypoallergenic detergent additive that makes all your clothing UPF 50+ protective. An ordinary T-shirt has an average protection factor of UPF 5 – 15 (Ultra Violet Protection factor). After one wash with UV-PROTECTION WASH, your clothing has a protection factor of UPF 30+ to UPF 50+. Your clothes will not discolor or feel different. After washing with UV-PROTECTION WASH your clothes will remain UV-resistant for a couple of washes, you don’t have to add it every time to stay protected.

Medical Rationale
Outdoor workers

ATACK CONTROL UV-PROTECTION WASH has been tested for efficacy and is suitable for sensitive skin. In addition to UV protection for children and adults in general, our products are ideal for UV protection in people with conditions such as: Skin cancer, Melanoma, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus , Vitiligo, Chronic Polymorphic Light Dermatosis (CDLE, PLE / PLME) ), Erythropoietic Protoporphhyria (PPE ), Discoid Lupus Erythematosus, Albinism, Burns, Scars and after Chemotherapy or Radiation.

ATACK CONTROL UV-PROTECTION WASH has been listed in Taiwan and is being sold in PX Mart stores, country wide.

goodscare GmbH is also collaborating with Sinasra to support their efforts in assisting people with Albinism in Namibia.